We Nourish the Wildflower

I was speaking with a salon client of mine today about life happenings and how you have this moment when you realize, Holy crap everything Ive ever done has lead up to this point! Almost like a pinnacle of life choices, jobs, interests and passions combined into one stellar event or opportunity. I turned 31 earlier this month (which falls shortly after the new year), so it's safe to say I've had some time to reflect on new things, old things and Universal crazy, how did this work out things.
I've been digging deep, trying to uncover some deep seeded feelings, thoughts, passions and missions with my life. Of course, some of these things are coming to fruition through the salon (which has been amazing and I can't say thank you enough for your love, energy and support!!!) and the ever evolving product line. But there's been something weighing on my chest for awhile now, and I felt like I couldn't get the words out. Like my thoughts and words were stuck, but I was dying to get them out into the world.
So, as Chloe drifted off to sleep for nap time, I laid beside her thinking, and devising and brainstorming what I could do to figure this important, yet frustrating thing out. I'm a writer by nature and HAVE to put my thoughts pen to paper. Otherwise forget it, the thoughts gone and I'm left empty. So I pull out my favorite berry toned Paper Mate marker pen and start doodling on printer paper like a mad woman.
Who is this woman? What does she embody? What is her personality? What's important to her? How does she feel, act, express herself? How does the world perceive her? Does she care how she's perceived?. .. etc. I came up with a wild list of traits and characteristics that this fierce woman would happily be. And lets be real she's a lot like me, but cooler, because duh.
I was spouting off words like nurturing, loving, free, creative, open minded, old soul, strong, hopeful, sensual + alluring, brave, simple. motherly, nourishing, independent....the list goes on. The more I wrote the better I felt. Like as if these thoughts and words had been trapped inside of me and needed to be clustered together for me to see what they truly were.
Ladies, epiphany moment please. Ya'll this magnetic woman is a damn WILDFLOWER!!!! She's wild and free and effortlessly beautiful and so unique. She heals and feeds and nurtures her surroundings. She sows seeds for her future generations and carries on the tradition of flowers before her. She's strong and independent and empowering and resilient. And she asks nothing in return for all of her love and energy. Sound familiar???
I cannot help but pull all of these pieces together and plant a metaphoric garden full of Wildflower women, who are here to change the world. And to raise our future and to share her free spirited vibes with anyone near her. She is a mesmerizing, selfless bloom who cannot help her beauty, passion or calling. She just is.
I truly believe so many of us mothers, daughters, strong willed women and wives embody so much of the Wildflower Spirit. We nurture, we love and we're determined and stubborn. This growing community of sisters is blowing my mind and attracting so many new and wonderful new souls to Wildflower Gypsy. I want this to be a place where we nurture one another and share ideas and move mountains. And this I can promise, I'll care for you while you sow the seeds of tomorrow...
From one Wildflower to Another, Stay Free