Pansy Flower Essence | Forgive to Feel Free
Flower Gems are home grown flower essence blends that nourish our inner life force to bring about awareness, change and energetic healing.
Flower Gems are Wildflower Roses version of flower essences. They are the energetic imprint of a flower, captured in spring water through solar or lunar rays. No physical elements of the flower remain. When taken internally or used externally, flower essences promote self awareness with the ability to heal gently from energetic stagnation and imbalances.
Pansy Flower Gem // Forgiveness to Feel Free
A journey is a journey no matter how deep or shallow. And with said journey things get kicked up, awoken, shifted, moved, scratchy. What are we to do with these crunchy feelings? After we have processed them from a soul level, subconscious and physical level; how do we move ahead when it still feels stuck?
I was deep in meditation when Pansy came to me; a soft, buttery and beautiful spring flower. One that can withstand cold weather, one that spreads her seeds freely and grows without constraint; her beauty, colors and patterns undefinable. And readily and pleasantly growing in my garden. When flowers or remedies are shown to me in mediations, dreams or knowings I am always truthfully guided. Pansy was no different.
Pansy brings about a fresh perspective, a forgiveness or release of what past pains ail you; the kind of crunchy immovable pieces that feel locked or dormant refusing to leave. At the end of the day those vibrations are fear wrapped in a stoic blanket fighting to stay stagnant because it's safe there. But we all know growth comes from discomfort AND allowing that discomfort to MOVE through or away/out of us. After taking Pansy Flower Essence I felt a deep sense of childhood innocence and joy; no painful release or sob (yet) just happiness in understanding the journey, person or situation. Knowing and being comforted by my own joy is immeasurably peaceful and so inspiring.
Usage: Add 1-4 drops in hair ritual of choice to bring out a sensual devotion and trust in something larger than yourself. Pansy Flower Gem honors what’s repressed to help you see the staggering beauty in your true essence.
Our flower essence gems are all blended in a base of organic apple cider vinegar as we focus on offering gentle, energetic healing modalities that many sensitive individuals may enjoy. There is a touch of brandy but less than 1% for those avoiding.
How to choose a flower gem? This one is easy, follow your intuition! Which ever flower gem resonates with you is what your soul is calling for. Trust it.
How do I know when to stop using a flower gem? Intuitively, your body and mind energy knows when it's done. You will tend to forget to use the flower gem, which is a good sign its no longer needed. Also, if a flower gem isn't needed, your energetic body will release it with no physical, mental, emotional or spiritual disruption.
Ingredients: organic apple cider vinegar infusion of season (currently viola flowers), solar infusion of garden grown pansy + spring water. There is no physical plant in this blend like an herbal tincture.
1oz bottle
Avoid contaminating dropper to keep your flower gem as pure + energetically charged as possible.
All flower gems are grown, crafted or foraged from our own Organic Secret Garden.